Webster's English Dictionary

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1. share \'she(*)r, 'sha(*)r\ n [ME, fr. OE scearu cutting, tonsure; akin 
   to OE scieran to cut -]more at SHEAR 1a: a portion belonging to, due to, or 
   contributed by an individual  1b: one's full or fair portion  2a: the part 
   allotted or belonging to one of a number owning together prope rty or 
   interest 2b: any of the equal portions into which property or invested 
   capital is di vided; specif : any of the equal interests or rights into 
   which the entire capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of 
   which is regularly evidenced by one or more certificates pl, chiefly Brit  
   2c: STOCK 
2. share vt 1: to divide and distribute in shares : APPORTION - usu. used 
   wi th out or with 2: to partake of, use, experience, or enjoy with others  
   3: to grant or give a share in  1: to have a share - used with in  2: to 
   apportion and take shares of something  in common with another or others. 
   SHARE implies that one as the original holder grants to another the partial 
   use, enjoyment, or possession of a thing though it may merely imply a 
   mutual use or possession; PARTICIPATE implies a having or taking part in an 
   undertaking, activity, or discussion; PARTAKE implies accepting or 
   acquiring a share esp. of food or drink SYN syn SHARE, PARTICIPATE, PARTAKE 
   mean to have, get, use 
3. share n [ME schare, fr. OE scear; akin to OHG scaro plowshare, OE 
   ]scieran to cut : PLOWSHARE