Webster's English Dictionary

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trans.mit \tran(t)s-'mit, tranz-\ \-'mit-*-b*l\ \-'mit-*l\ vb or 
   trans.mit.ted;  or trans.mit.ting [ME transmitten, fr. L transmittere, fr. 
   trans- + mittere)X to send - more at SMITE 1a: to send or transfer from one 
   person or place to another : FORWARD  1b: to cause or allow to spread : as  
   1b1: to convey by or as if by inheritance or heredity  1b2: to convey 
   (infection) abroad or to another  2a1: to cause (as light or force) to pass 
   or be conveyed through space or  a medium 2a2: to admit the passage of 
   {glass ~s light}  2b: to send out (a signal) either by radio waves or over 
   a wire  : to send out a signal either by radio waves or over a wire  - 
   trans.mit.ta.ble aj