Webster's English Dictionary

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com.mit \k*-'mit\ \-'mit-*-b*l\ vb or com.mit.ted;  or com.mit.ting [ME 
   committen, fr. L committere to connect, entrust, fr. com-] + mittere to 
   send 1a: to put into charge or trust : ENTRUST  1b: to place in a prison or 
   mental institution  1c: to consign or record for preservation {~ it to 
   memory}  1d: to put into a place for disposal or safekeeping  1e: to refer 
   (as a legislative bill) to a committee for consideration and  report 2: to 
   bring about : PERFORM {~ a crime}  3a: OBLIGATE, BIND  3b: to pledge or 
   assign to some particular course or use  3c: to reveal the views of  obs  : 
   to perform an offense IT may express the general idea of delivering into 
   another's charge or the special sense of transferring to a superior power 
   or to a special place of custody; ENTRUST implies committing with trust and 
   confidence; CONFIDE implies entrusting with assurance or reliance; CONSIGN 
   suggests transferring to remove from one's control with formality or 
   finality; RELEGATE implies a consigning to a particular class or sphere 
   often with a suggestion of getting rid of - com.mit.ta.ble aj SYN syn