Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. discover              
learn \'l*rn\ \'l*rnd, 'l*rnt\ \'l*rnt\ \'l*r-n*-b*l\ vb or learned also 
   learnt;  also learn.ing [ME lernen, fr. OE leornian; akin to OHG lerne-n to 
   learn,] L lira furrow, track 1a1: to gain knowledge or understanding of or 
   skill in by study, instructi on, or experience 1a2: MEMORIZE {~ the lines 
   of a play}  1b: to come to be able to  1c: to come to realize  substand  
   2a: TEACH  obs  2b: to inform of something  3: to find out : ASCERTAIN  : 
   to acquire knowledge or skill  - learn.able aj