Webster's English Dictionary

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1. con.fi.dence \'ka:n-f*d-*n(t)s, -f*-.den(t)s\ n 1: FAITH, TRUST  2a: 
   consciousness of feeling sure : SELF-RELIANCE  2b: bold certainty : 
   COCKSURENESS  3: the quality or state of being certain : ASSURANCE  4a: a 
   relation of trust or intimacy  4b: reliance on another's discretion  4c: 
   legislative support {vote of ~}  5: a communication made in confidence : 
   SECRETM stresses faith in oneself and one's powers but does not usu. imply 
   conceit; ASSURANCE carries a stronger implication of certainty and often of 
   arrogance; SELF-POSSESSION implies the ease and coolness under stress that 
   arise from command of one's powers; APLOMB suggests a conspicuously 
   manifest self-possession in trying situations SYN syn ASSURANCE, 
2. confidence aj : of or relating to swindling by false promises