Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. get                    2. place                  3. show                  
1. win \'win\ \'w*n\ vb or won;  or win.ning [ME winnen, fr. OE winnan to 
   struggle; akin to OHG winnan to]struggle, L venus love, charm 1: to gain 
   the victory in a contest : SUCCEED  2: to succeed in arriving at a place or 
   a state  1: to get possession of esp. by effort : GAIN  2a: to gain in or 
   as if in battle or contest  2b: to be the victor in {won the war}  3: to 
   obtain by work : EARN  4: to solicit and gain the favor of; specif : to 
   induce to accept  oneself in marriage 5a: to obtain (as ore, coal, or clay) 
   by mining  5b: to prepare (as a vein or bed) for regular mining  5c: to 
   recover (as metal) from ore 
2. win n : VICTORY; specif : first place at the finish of a horse rac e
3. win vt [prob. fr. E dial. win to take in, harvest, fr. ME winnen to win] 
   dial Brit  : to dry (as hay) by exposure to the air or heat