Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. discord               
1. con.flict \'ka:n-.flikt\ n [ME, fr. L conflictus act of striking 
   together, fr. conflictus, pp.] of confligere to strike together, fr. com- + 
   fligere to strike -more at PROFLIGATE 1a: DISAGREEMENT  1b: emotional 
   tension resulting from incompatible inner needs or drives  2: WAR, BATTLE  
   3: COLLISION  4: the opposition of persons or forces that gives rise to the 
   dramatic acti on in a drama or fiction
2. con.flict \k*n-'flikt, 'ka:n-.\ \k*n-'flik-sh*n\ \k*n-'fliktiv, 'ka:n-.\ 
   vi archaic  1: to contend in warfare  2: to show antagonism or 
   irreconcilability  - con.flic.tion n