Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bat.tle \'bat-*l\ n [ME batel, fr. OF bataille battle, fortifying tower, 
   battalion, fr.] often attrib  LL battalia combat, alter. of battualia 
   fencing exercises, fr. L battuere to beat, of Celt origin; akin to Gaulish 
   andabata, a gladiator; akin to L fatuus foolish, Russ bat cudgel 1: a 
   general encounter between armies, ships of war, or airplanes  2: a combat 
   between two persons  archaic  3: BATTALION  4: an extended contest, 
   struggle, or controversy between opposing forces. BATTLE implies a general 
   and prolonged combat; ENGAGEMENT stresses the actual encountering of forces 
   in combat rather than strategic aspects; ACTION suggest combat at a 
   particular place, time, or phase of an operation SYN syn BATTLE, 
   ENGAGEMENT, ACTION mean a hostile meeting 
2. battle \'bat-lin, -*l-in\ vb or bat.tling 1: to engage in battle : FIGHT 
    2: to contend with full strength, vigor, craft, or resources : STRUGG LE 
   2: to fight against 
3. battle vt [ME batailen, fr. MF bataillier] : to fortify with battlements