Webster's English Dictionary

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1. war \'wo.(*)r\ n [ME werre, fr. ONF, fr. OHG werra confusion, strife; 
   akin to OHG Xwerran to confuse, L verrere to sweep, sweep away 1a1: a state 
   of usu. open and declared armed hostile conflict between state s or nations 
   1a2: a period of such armed conflict  1a3: STATE OF WAR  1b: the art or 
   science of warfare  obs  1c1: weapons and equipment for war  archaic  1c2: 
   soldiers armed and equipped for war  2a: a state of hostility, conflict, or 
   antagonism  2b: a struggle between opposing forces or for a particular end 
2. war vi or warred;  or war.ring 1: to engage in warfare  2: to be in 
   active or vigorous conflict 
3. war \'wa.r\ av(or aj) [ME werre, fr. ON verri, adj., verr, adv. - more 
   at WORS]E chiefly Scot  : WORSE 
4. war \'wa.r\ vt or warred;  or war.ring Scot  : WORST, OVERCOME