1. con.ti.nent \'ka:nt-*n-*nt\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L continent-, continens,
fr. prp. of contine]-re to hold in 1: exercising continence obs 2:
2. con.ti.nent \'ka:nt-*n-*nt, 'ka:nt-n*nt\ n [in senses 1 & 2, fr. L
continent-, continens, prp. of contineB-re to hold together, contain; in
senses 3 & 4, fr. L continent-, continens continuous mass of land,
mainland, fr. continent-, continens, prp. archaic 1: CONTAINER, RECEPTACLE
archaic 2: a summary example : EPITOME 3: MAINLAND 4a: one of the usu.
seven great divisions of land on the globe cap 4b: the continent of
Europe - used with the