Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dot \'da:t\ n [(assumed) ME, fr. OE dott head of a boil; akin to OHG 
   tutta nipple] 1: a small spot : SPECK  2a: a small point made with a 
   pointed instrument  2b1: a point after a note or rest in music indicating 
   augmentation of the t ime value by one half 2b2: a point over or under a 
   note indicating that it is to be played stacca to 3: a precise point in 
   time or space  4: a short click or buzz forming a letter or part of a 
   letter (as in the Mo rse code)
2. dot vb or dot.ted;  or dot.ting 1: to mark with a dot  2: to scatter or 
   distribute like dots  3: to cover with dots  : to make a dot  - dot.ter n
3. dot \'do-t-*l\ n [F, fr. L dot-, dos dowry] : DOWRY  - do.tal aj