Webster's English Dictionary

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1. crop \kra:p\ n [ME, craw, head of a plant, yield of a field, fr. OE 
   cropp craw, head of] [2crop]a plant; akin to OHG kropf goiter, craw, OE 
   cre-opan creep - more at CREEP 1: the stock or handle of a whip; also : a 
   riding whip with a short  straight stock and a loop 2: a pouched 
   enlargement of the gullet of a bird or insect that serves as a  receptacle 
   for food and for its preliminary maceration 3a: an earmark on an animal; 
   esp : one made by a straight cut squar ely removing the upper part of the 
   ear 3b: a close cut of the hair  4a: a plant or animal or plant or animal 
   product that can be grown and harv ested extensively for profit or 
   subsistence 4b: the product or yield of something formed together  4c: 
   BATCH, LOT  5: the total yearly production from a specified area 
2. crop vb or cropped;  or cropping 1a: to remove the upper or outer parts 
   of {~ a hedge}  1b: HARVEST {~ trout}  1c: to cut off short : CLIP  2: to 
   cause (land) to bear produce; also : to grow as a crop  1: to feed by 
   cropping something  2: to yield or make a crop  3: to appear unexpectedly 
   or casually {problems ~ up daily}