Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. measure               
1. ton \'t*n\ n or tons also ton [ME tunne unit of weight or capacity - 
   more at TUN] pl  1: any of various units of weight :  1b: METRIC TON  2a: a 
   unit of internal capacity for ships equal to 100 cubic feet  2b: a unit 
   approximately equal to the volume of a long ton weight of seawat er used in 
   reckoning the displacement of ships and equal to 35 cubic feet 2c: a unit 
   of volume for cargo freight usu. reckoned at 40 cubic feet  3: a great 
   quantity : LOT - used chiefly in pl. 
2. ton \'to-n\ n [F, lit., tone, fr. L tonus] 1: the prevailing fashion :