Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. assume                 2. imposture             
1. coun.ter.feit \'kau.nt-*r-.fit\ vt : to imitate or copy esp. with intent 
   to deceive  1: PRETEND, FEIGN  2: to engage in counterfeiting valuables  - 
   coun.ter.feit.er n
2. counterfeit aj [ME countrefet, fr. MF contrefait, fr. pp. of contrefaire 
   to]imitate, fr. contre- + faire to make, fr. L facere - more at DO 1: made 
   in imitation of something else with intent to deceive : FORGE D 2a: FEIGNED 
3. counterfeit n 1: something counterfeit : FORGERY  2: something likely to 
   be confused with the genuine thing