Webster's English Dictionary

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en.gage \in-'ga-j\ vb [ME engagen, fr. MF engagier, fr. OF, fr. en- + gage] 
   1: to offer (as one's word) as security for a debt or cause  obs  2a: 
   INVOLVE, ENTANGLE  2b: to attract and hold by influence or power  2c: to 
   interlock with : MESH; also : to cause to mesh  3: to bind (as oneself) to 
   do something; esp : to bind by a pledge  to marry 4a: to provide occupation 
   for  4b: to arrange to obtain the use or services of : HIRE  5a: ENGROSS, 
   OCCUPY  5b: to induce to participate  6a: to enter into contest with  6b: 
   to bring together or interlock (weapons)  1a: to pledge oneself : PROMISE  
   1b: PARTICIPATE  3: to enter into conflict  4: to be or become in gear