Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. weaken                
1. crip.ple \'krip-*l\ n [ME cripel, fr. OE crypel; akin to OE cre-opan to 
   creep m more at CREEP 1: a lame or partly disabled person or animal  2: 
   something flawed or imperfect 
2. cripple aj : being a cripple : LAME; also : worn out : INFERIOR 
3. cripple \-(*-)lin\ \-(*-)l*r\ vt or crip.pling 1: to deprive of the use 
   of a limb and esp. a leg  2: to deprive of strength, efficiency, wholeness, 
   or capability for servic e - crip.pler n