Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. shoot                 
1. limb \'lim\ \'limd\ \'lim-e-\ n [ME lim, fr. OE; akin to ON limr limb, L 
   limes limit, lime]n threshold, Gk leimo-n meadow 1: one of the projecting 
   paired appendages (as wings) of an animal body use d esp. for movement and 
   grasping but sometimes modified into sensory or sexual organs; esp : a leg 
   or arm of a human being 2: a large primary branch of a tree  3: an active 
   member or agent  4: EXTENSION, BRANCH  5: a mischievous child  - limbed aj
2. limb vt : DISMEMBER; esp : to cut off the limbs of (a felled tree) 
3. limb n [L limbus border - more at LIMP] 1: the graduated margin of an 
   arc or circle in an instrument for measuring  angles 2: the outer edge of 
   the apparent disk of a celestial body  3: the expanded portion of an organ 
   or structure; esp : the spreadi ng upper portion of a gamosepalous calyx or 
   a gamopetalous corolla as distinguished from the lower tubular portion