Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lame \'la-m\ aj [ME, fr. OE lama; akin to OHG lam lame, Lith li`mti to 
   bre]ak down 1a: physically disabled; also : having a part and esp. a limb 
   so d isabled as to impair freedom of movement 1b: halting in movement : 
   LIMPING  2: lacking needful or desirable substance : WEAK {a ~ excu se} - 
   lame.ly av
2. lame vt 1: to make lame : CRIPPLE  2: to make weak or ineffective : 
3. lame \'la-m, 'lam\ n [MF, fr. L lamina] 1: a thin plate esp. of metal : 
   LAMINA  pl  2: small overlapping steel plates joined to slide on one 
   another (as in med ieval armor)
4. la.me \la:-'ma-, la-\ n [F] : a brocaded clothing fabric made from any 
   of various fibers combined with  tinsel filling threads often of gold or 