Webster's English Dictionary

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1. creep \'kre-p\ \'krept\ vi or crept;  or creep.ing [ME crepen, fr. OE 
   cre-opan; akin to Gk grypos curved, ben]t 1: to move along with the body 
   prone and close to the ground; also :: to move slowly on hands and knees 2: 
   to move or advance slowly, timidly, or stealthily  of a plant  3: to spread 
   or grow over a surface rooting at intervals or clinging with  tendrils, 
   stems or aerial roots 4a: to slip or gradually shift position  4b: to 
   change shape permanently from prolonged stress or exposure to high  
   temperaturescrouching posture. CREEP is likely to suggest stealthy, 
   noiseless progress; CRAWL is likely to suggest the movement of legless 
   creatures or the slow laborious progress of a turtle or a badly maimed 
   animal; CRAWL may also connote abjectness or submission SYN syn CREEP, 
   CRAWL mean to move along a surface in a prone or 
2. creep n 1: a movement of or like creeping  2: a distressing sensation 
   like that caused by the creeping of insects over  one's flesh; esp : a 
   feeling of apprehension or horror - usu. used in pl. 3: an enclosure that 
   young animals can enter while adults are excluded  4: the slow change of 
   dimensions of an object from prolonged exposure to hi gh temperature or 
   stress slang  5a: a flophouse sneak thief  5b: an obnoxious or 
   insignificant person