Webster's English Dictionary

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croc.o.dile \'kra:k-*-.di-l\ n [ME & L; ME cocodrille, fr. OF, fr. ML 
   cocodrillus, alter. of L ]crococilus, fr. Gk krokodilos lizard, crocodile, 
   fr. korke- pebble + drilos worm; akin to Skt s'arkara pebble - more at 
   SUGAR 1a: any of several large voracious thick-skinned long-bodied aquatic 
   reptil es (as of the genus Crocodylus) of tropical and subtropical waters; 
   broadly : CROCODILIAN 1b: the skin or hide of a crocodile  archaic  2: one 
   who hypocritically affects sorrow