Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. hide                  
1. skin \'skin\ \'skind\ n [ME, fr. ON skinn; akin to OE scinn skin, MHG 
   schint fruit pe] often attrib el, W ysgythru to cut 1a: the integument of 
   an animal and esp. a small animal or fur-bearer separ ated from the body 
   whether green or dressed for use 1b: a sheet of parchment or vellum made 
   from a hide  1c: BOTTLE  2a: the external limiting layer of an animal body 
   esp. when forming a tough  but flexible cover relatively impermeable from 
   without while intact 2b: any of various outer or surface layers (as a rind, 
   husk, or pellicle) <(a sausage ~} 3: the life or physical well-being of a 
   person {made sure to save his @} 4: a sheathing or casing forming the 
   outside surface of a structure (as a s hip or airplane) - skinned aj
2. skin vb or skinned;  or skin.ning 1a: to cover with or as if with skin  
   1b: to heal over with skin  2a: to strip, scrape, or rub off an outer 
   covering (as the skin or rind) o f 2b: to strip or peel off  3a: to strip 
   of money or property : FLEECE  3b: DEFEAT  3c: CENSURE, CASTIGATE  4: to 
   urge on and direct the course of (as a draft animal)  1: to become covered 
   with or as if with skin  2a: to climb or descend {~ up and down a rope}  
   2b: to pass or get by with scant room to spare