Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dig \'dig\ \'d*g\ vb or dug;  or dig.ging [ME diggen] 1: to turn up, 
   loosen, or remove earth : DELVE  2: to work hard or laboriously  3: to 
   advance by or as if by removing or pushing aside material  1a: to break up 
   (earth) with an implement  1b: to turn over : PIERCE  2: to bring to the 
   surface by digging : EXCAVATE  4: to drive down so as to penetrate : THRUST 
    5: POKE, PROD  slang  6a: to pay attention to  6b: UNDERSTAND, APPRECIATE 
2. dig n 1a: THRUST, POKE  1b: a cutting remark  pl, Brit  2: DIGGINGS  3: 
   an archaeological excavation site; also : the excavation itself