Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. enforce               
1. im.ple.ment \'im-pl*-m*nt\ n [ME, fr. LL implementum action of filling 
   up, fr. L imple-re to]fill up, fr. in- + ple-re to fill - more at FULL 1: 
   an article serving to equip  2: TOOL, UTENSIL, INSTRUMENT  3: one that 
   serves as an instrument or tool TENSIL apply to any relatively simple 
   device for performing work. IMPLEMENT may apply to anything necessary to 
   effect an end; TOOL suggests an implement adapted to facilitate a definite 
   kind or stage of work and suggests the need of skill more strongly than 
   IMPLEMENT; INSTRUMENT suggests a device capable of delicate or precise 
   work; APPLIANCE refers to a tool or instrument utilizing a power source and 
   suggests portability or temporary attachment; UTENSIL applies to a device 
   used in domestic work or some routine unskilled activity SYN syn IMPLEMENT, 
2. im.ple.ment \-.ment\ \.im-pl*-'ment-*l\ \.im-pl*-m*n-'ta--sh*n, -.men-\ 
   vt 1: to carry out : FULFILL; esp : to give practical effect  to and ensure 
   of actual fulfillment by concrete measures 2: to provide implements for  - 
   im.ple.men.tal aj