Webster's English Dictionary

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1. do.mi.cile or dom.i.cil \'da:m-*-.si-l, 'do--m*-; 'da:m-*-s*l\ 
   \'da:m-*-s*l\ \.da:m-*-'sil-e-,er-e-, .do--m*-\ n [MF, fr. L domicilium, 
   fr. domus] 1: the place of residence of an individual or a family : ABODE  
   2a: the place with which a person has a settled connection for determinatio 
   n of his civil status or other legal purposes because it is actually or 
   legally his permanent and principal home 2b: RESIDENCE  2c: RESIDENCE  - 
   do.mi.cil.i.ary aj
2. domicile vt : to establish in or provide with a domicile