Webster's English Dictionary

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civ.il \'siv-*l\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L civilis, fr civis] 1a: of or 
   relating to citizens {~ liberties}  1b: of or relating to the state or its 
   citizenry  2a: CIVILIZED {~ society}  2b: COURTEOUS, URBANE  3a: of, 
   relating to, or based on civil law  3b: relating to private rights and to 
   remedies sought by action or suit di stinct from criminal proceedings 3c: 
   established by law  of time  4: based on the mean sun and legally 
   recognized for use in ordinary affair s 5: of or relating to civic as 
   distinguished from military or religious aff airsIVIL suggests no more than 
   a bare minimum fulfillment of the requirements of good breeding and 
   forbearance from roughness or unpleasantness; POLITE implies polished 
   manners and thoughtfulness but often suggests lack of cordiality; COURTEOUS 
   implies more actively considerate or dignified politeness; GALLANT and 
   CHIVALROUS imply courteous attentiveness esp. to women but GALLANT suggests 
   spirited and dashing behavior and ornate expressions of courtesy and 
   CHIVALROUS high-minded and self-sacrificing behavior SYN syn POLITE,