Webster's English Dictionary

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dutch \'d*ch\ av often cap  : with each person paying his own way 1. Dutch 
   \'d*ch\ aj [ME Duch, fr. MD duutsch; akin to OHG diutisc German, Goth 
   Xthiudisko gentile, thiuda people, Oscan touto city archaic  1a: of or 
   relating to the Germanic peoples of Germany, Austria, Switzerlan d, and the 
   Low Countries 1b: of or relating to the Netherlands or its inhabitants  
   slang  1c: GERMAN  archaic  2a: of, relating to, or in any of the Germanic 
   languages of Germany, Austr ia, Switzerland and the Low Countries 2b: of, 
   relating to, or in the Dutch of the Netherlands  3: of or relating to the 
   Pennsylvania Dutch or their language  - Dutch.ly av
2. Dutch n or Dutch archaic  1a1: any of the Germanic languages of Germany, 
   Austria, Switzerland, and th e Low Countries 1a2: GERMAN  1b: the Germanic 
   language of the Netherlands  pl  archaic  2a: the Germanic peoples of 
   Germany, Austria, Switerland, and the Low Count ries archaic  2b: GERMANS 
   1A, GERMANS 1B  2c: the people of the Netherlands  3: PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH  
   slang  4: DANDER {his Dutch is up}  5: DISFAVOR, TROUBLE {in Dutch with his 