Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ger.man \'j*r-m*n\ aj [ME germain, fr. MF, fr. L germanus having the 
   same parents, irreg.] fr. germen : having the same parents or the same 
   grandparents on either the maternal  or paternal side - usu. used after the 
   noun which it modifies and joined to it by a hyphen {brother-german} 
2. german n obs  : a near relative 1. Ger.man \'j*r-m*n\ n [ML Germanus, 
   fr. L, any member of the Germanic peoples] 1a: a native or inhabitant of 
   Germany  1b: a person of German descent  1c: one who speaks German outside 
   Germany (as a Swiss German)  2a: the Germanic language spoken mainly in 
   Germany, Austria, and parts of S witzerland 2b: the literary and official 
   language of Germany  often not cap  3a: a dance consisting of capriciously 
   involved figures intermingled with w altzes chiefly Midland  3b: a dancing 
   party; specif : one at which the german is danced 
2. German aj : of, relating to, or characteristic of Germany, the Germans, 
   or German