Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. effort                
1. trou.ble \'tr*b-*l\ \'tr*b-(*-)lin\ \-(*-)l*r\ vb or trou.bling [ME 
   troublen, fr. OF tourbler, troubler, fr. (assumed) VL ]turbulare, alter. of 
   L turbidare, fr. turbidus turbid, troubled 1a: to agitate mentally or 
   spiritually : WORRY, DISTURB  archaic  1b1: MISTREAT, OPPRESS  1b2: to 
   produce physical disorder in : AFFLICT {troubled w ith deafness} 1c: to put 
   to exertion or inconvenience  2: to put into confused motion {wind troubled 
   the sea}  1: to become mentally agitated : WORRY  2: to make an effort : be 
   at pains  - trou.bler n
2. trouble n 1a: the quality or state of being troubled : MISFORTUNE {help 
   peo ple in ~} 1b: an instance of distress, annoyance, or perturbation  2a: 
   civil disorder or agitation {labor ~}  2b: EXERTION, PAINS {took the ~ to 
   call}  2c1: a condition of physical distress  2c2: DISEASE, AILMENT  2c3: 
   MALFUNCTION {engine ~} {~ with the plumbing}  2d: a personal characteristic 
   that is a handicap or a source of distress