1. ear \'i(*)r\ n [ME ere, fr. OE e-are; akin to OHG o-ra ear, L auris], Gk
ous 1a: the characteristic vertebrate organ of hearing and equilibrium
consisti ng in the typical mammal of a sound-collecting outer ear separated
by a membranous drum from a sound-transmitting middle ear that in turn is
separated from a sensory inner ear by membranous fenestrae 1b: any of
various organs capable of detecting vibratory motion 2: the external ear
of man and most mammals 3a: the sense or act of hearing 3b: acuity of
hearing 3c: sensitivity to musical tone and pitch 4: something resembling
in shape or position a mammalian ear : as 4a: a projecting part (as a lug
or handle) 4b: either of a pair of tufts of lengthened feathers on the
head of some bi rds 5a: sympathetic attention 5b: AWARENESS, NOTICE
2. ear n [ME er, fr. OE e-ar; akin to OHG ahir ear, OE ecg ed]ge - more at
EDGE : the fruiting spike of a cereal (as Indian corn) including both the
seeds and protective structures - ear vi