Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. sign                  
1. to.ken \'to--k*n\ n [ME, fr. OE ta-cen, ta-cn sign, token; akin to OHG 
   zeihhan] sign, Gk deiknynai to show - more at DICTION 1: an outward sign 
   {~s of his grief}  2a: SYMBOL, EMBLEM {a white flag is a ~ of surrender}  
   2b: an instance of a linguistic expression  3: a distinguishing feature : 
   CHARACTERISTIC  4a: SOUVENIR, KEEPSAKE  4b: a small part representing the 
   whole : INDICATION  4c: something given or shown as a guarantee (as of 
   authority, right, or ide ntity) 5a: a piece resembling a coin issued as 
   money by some person or body other  than a de jure government 5b: a piece 
   resembling a coin issued for use (as for a ticket on a public c onveyance) 
   by a particular group on specified terms
2. token aj 1: done or given as a token esp. in partial fulfillment of an 
   obligation o r engagement 2a: SIMULATED  2b: MINIMAL, PERFUNCTORY {~ 