Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bar.gain \'ba:r-g*n\ n often attrib  1: an agreement between parties 
   settling what each gives or receives in a t ransaction between them or what 
   course of action or policy each pursues in respect to the other 2: 
   something acquired by or as if by bargaining; esp : an advantage ous 
   purchase 3: a transaction, situation, or event with important good or bad 
2. bargain vb [ME bargainen, fr. MF bargaignier, of Gmc origin; akin to OE 
   bor]gian to borrow - more at BURY 1: to negotiate over the terms of a 
   purchase, agreement, or contract : (MHAGGLE 2: to come to terms : AGREE  : 
   to sell or dispose of by bargaining : BARTER  : to count on in advance  - 
   bar.gain.er n