Webster's English Dictionary

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se.ri.ous \'sir-e--*s\ aj [ME seryows, fr. MF or LL; MF serieux, fr. LL 
   seriosus, alter]. of L serius 1: thoughtful or subdued in appearance or 
   manner : SOBER  2a: requiring much thought or work {~ study}  2b: of or 
   relating to a matter of importance {a ~ play}  3a: not joking or trifling : 
   EARNEST  archaic  3b: PIOUS  3c: deeply interested : DEVOTED {~ fishermen}  
   4a: not easily answered or solved {~ objections}  4b: having important or 
   dangerous possible consequences {a ~ injur yMEARNEST: SERIOUS implies a 
   concern for what really matters; GRAVE implies both seriousness and dignity 
   in expression or attitude; SOLEMN suggests an impressive gravity utterly 
   free from levity; SEDATE implies a composed and decorous seriousness; STAID 
   suggests a settled, accustomed sedateness and prim self-restraint; SOBER 
   stresses seriousness of purpose and absence of levity or frivolity; EARNEST 
   suggests sincerity or often zealousness of purpose SYN syn GRAVE, SOLEMN,