Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. phase                 
as.pect \'as-.pekt\ \a-'spek-ch*(-w*)l, -'speksh-w*l\ n [ME, fr. L 
   aspectus, fr. aspectus, pp. of aspicere to look at], fr. ad- + specere to 
   look - more at SPY 1a: the position of planets or stars with respect to one 
   another held by astrologers to influence human affairs 1b: a position 
   facing a particular direction : EXPOSURE the manner  of presentation of a 
   plane to a fluid through which it is moving or to a current 2a: a 
   particular status or phase in which something appears or may be regarded 
   {studied every ~ of the question} 2b: MIEN, AIR  archaic  3: an act of 
   looking : GAZE  4a: the nature of the action of a verb as to its beginning, 
   duration, completion, or repetition and without reference to its position 
   in time 4b: a set of inflected verb forms that indicate aspect  - 
   as.pec.tu.al aj