Webster's English Dictionary

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su.per.fi.cial \.su:-p*r-'fish-*l\ \-'fish-(*-)le-\ \-'fish-*l-n*s\ aj [ME, 
   fr. LL superficialis, fr. L superficies] 1a1: of or relating to a surface  
   1a2: lying on, not penetrating below, or affecting only the surface  of a 
   unit of measure  1b: SQUARE {~ foot}  2a: concerned only with the obvious 
   or apparent : SHALLOW  2b: lying on the surface : EXTERNAL  2c: presenting 
   only an appearance without substance or significance h or solidity. 
   SUPERFICIAL implies a concern only with surface aspects; SHALLOW is more 
   generally derogatory in implying lack of depth in knowledge, reasoning, 
   emotions, or character; CURSORY suggests a lack of thoroughness or a 
   neglect of details - su.per.fi.cial.ly av SYN syn SUPERFICIAL, SHALLOW, 
   CURSORY mean lacking in dept