Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fea.ture \'fe--ch*r\ n [ME feture, fr. MF, fr. L factura act of making, 
   fr. factus,]pp. of facere to make - more at DO 1a: the structure, form, or 
   appearance esp. of a person  obs  1b: physical beauty  2a: the makeup or 
   appearance of the face or its parts  2b: a part of the face : LINEAMENT  3: 
   a prominent part or characteristic  4: a special attraction : as  4a: the 
   principal motion picture shown on a program with other pictures  4b: a 
   distinctive article, story, or special department in a newspaper or m 
   agazine 4c: something offered to the public or advertised as particularly 
   attractiv e
2. feature \'fe-ch-(*-)rin\ vb or fea.tur.ing chiefly dial  1: to resemble 
   in features  2: to outline the features of  3: to mark as a feature  4: to 
   make a feature of  : to play an important part