Webster's English Dictionary

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1. out.side \(')au.t-'si-d, 'au.t-.\ n 1: a place or region beyond an 
   enclosure or boundary  2: an outer side or surface  3: an outer 
   manifestation  4: the extreme limit of a guess 
2. outside aj 1a: of, relating to, or being on or toward the outer side or 
   surface {th e ~ edge} 1b: of, relating to, or being on or toward the outer 
   side of a curve or tu rn 2a: situated or performed outside a particular 
   place  2b: connected with or giving access to the outside {~ telephone li 
   ne} 3: MAXIMUM  4a: not included or originating in a particular group or 
   organization  4b: not belonging to one's regular occupation or duties  5: 
   barely possible : REMOTE {an ~ chance} 
3. outside av : on or to the outside : OUTDOORS 
4. outside pp 1: on the outer side of  2: beyond the limits of {~ the law}  
   3: to the outside of  4: EXCEPT