Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fade \'fa-d\ vb [ME faden, fr. MF fader, fr. fade feeble, insipid, fr. 
   (assum]ed) VL fatidus, alter. of L fatuus fatuous, insipid 1: to lose 
   freshness or vitality : WITHER  2: to lose freshness or brilliance of color 
    3: to sink away : VANISH  4: to change gradually in loudness or visibility 
   - used of a motion-pict ure image or of an electronics signal and usu. with 
   in or out : to cause to fade 
2. fade n : a gradual changing of one picture to another in a 
   motion-picture or tele vision sequence
3. fade \'fa:d\ aj [F, fr. MF] : INSPID, COMMONPLACE