Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. noticeable            
1. sig.nal \'sig-n*l\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. ML signale, fr. LL, neut. of 
   signalis of a sign, f]r. L signum archaic  1: TOKEN, INDICATION  2a: an 
   act, event, or watchword that has been agreed upon as the occasion o f 
   concerted action 2b: something that incites to action  3a: a sound or 
   gesture made to give warning or command  3b: an object placed to convey 
   notice or warning  4: an object (as a flag on a pole) centered over a point 
   so as to be observ ed from other positions in surveying 5a: an object used 
   to transmit or convey information beyond the range of hu man voice 5b: the 
   sound or image conveyed in telegraphy, telephony, radio, radar, or  
   television 5c: a detectable physical quantity or impulse (as a voltage, 
   current, or ma gnetic field strength) by which messages or information can 
   be transmitted
2. signal or sig.nal.ler vb or sig.naled or sig.nalled;  or sig.nal.ing;  
   or sig.nal.ling 1: to notify by a signal  2a: to communicate by signals  
   2b: to constitute a characteristic feature of (a meaningful linguistic for 
   m) : to make or send a signal  - sig.nal.er n
3. signal aj [modif. of F signale`, pp. of signaler to distinguish, fr. OIt 
   ]segnalare to signal, distinguish, fr. segnale signal, fr. ML signale 1: 
   distinguished from the ordinary : OUTSTANDING {~ achiev ement} 2: used in 
   signaling {~ beacon}