Webster's English Dictionary

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1. se.quence \'se--kw*n(t)s, -.kwen(t)s\ n [ME, fr. ML sequentia, fr. LL, 
   sequel, lit., act of following, fr. L s]equent-, sequens, prp. of sequi 1: 
   a hymn in irregular meter between the gradual and Gospel in some masses  2: 
   a continuous or connected series : as  2a: an extended series of poems 
   united by a single theme {sonnet ~)> 2b: three or more playing cards usu. 
   of the same suit in consecutive order  of rank 2c: a succession of 
   repetitions of a melodic phrase or harmonic pattern eac h in a new position 
   2d: a set of elements ordered as are the natural numbers  2e1: a succession 
   of related shots or scenes developing a single subject or  phrase of a film 
   story 2e2: EPISODE  3a: order of succession  3b: an arrangement of the 
   tenses of successive verbs in a sentence designed  to express a coherent 
   relationship esp. between main and subordinate parts 4a: CONSEQUENCE, 
   RESULT  4b: a subsequent development  5: continuity of progression 
2. sequence vt : to arrange in a sequence