Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pic.ture \'pik-ch*r\ n [ME, fr. L pictura, fr. pictus, pp. of pingere to 
   paint - m]ore at PAINT 1: a representation made by painting, drawing, or 
   photography  2: a description so vivid or graphic as to suggest a mental 
   image or give a n accurate idea of something 3: IMAGE, COPY {the ~ of his 
   father}  4a: a transitory visible image or reproduction  4b: MOTION PICTURE 
    pl, chiefly Brit  4c: MOVIES  5: TABLEAU, TABLEAU {stage ~}  6: SITUATION 
2. picture \'pik-ch*-rin, 'pik-shrin\ vt or pic.tur.ing 1: to paint or draw 
   a representation, image, or visual conception of : (MDEPICT; also : 
   ILLUSTRATE 2: to describe graphically in words  3: to form a mental image 
   of : IMAGINE