Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sink \'sink\ \'sank\ \'s*nk\ \'s*n-k*n\ \'sin-k*-b*l\ vb or sank or 
   sunk;  or sunk;  or sunk.en or sink.ing [ME sinken, fr. OE sincan; akin to 
   OHG sinkan to sink, Arm Xankanim I fall 1a: to become submerged : go to the 
   bottom : SUBMERGE  1b: to become partly buried (as in mud)  1c: to become 
   engulfed  2a1: to fall or drop to a lower place or level  2a2: to flow at a 
   lower depth or level  2a3: to burn with lower intensity  2a4: to fall to a 
   lower pitch or volume {his voice ~s to a w hisper} 2b: to subside gradually 
   : DIP  3a: to soak or become absorbed : PENETRATE  3b: to become 
   impressively known or felt {the lesson had sunk in> 4: to become deeply 
   absorbed {sank into reverie}  5a: to go downward in quality, state, or 
   condition : DEGENERATE, (MRETROGRESS 5b: to grow less in amount or worth : 
   DECLINE  6a: to fall or drop slowly for lack of strength : COLLAPSE  6b: to 
   become depressed  6c: to fail in health or strength  1a: to cause to sink  
   1b: to force down esp. below the earth's surface  1c: to cause (something) 
   to penetrate  2a: to cause (as a ship) to plunge to the bottom  2b: to 
   place or force beneath the water : SUBMERGE  2c: to engage deeply the 
   attention of : IMMERSE  3a: to dig or bore (a well or shaft) in the earth : 
   EXCAVATE  3b: to form by cutting or excising {~ words in stone}  4: to cast 
   down or bring to a low condition or state : OVERWHELM,  DEFEAT 5a: to lower 
   in standing or reputation : ABASE  archaic  5b: DEGRADE  archaic  6a: to 
   cause to become dejected  6b: to weaken physically : DEBILITATE  archaic  
   7a: to lessen in value or amount {a great surplus ~s the pri ces} 7b: to 
   lower or soften (the voice) in speaking  8: to set aside : RESTRAIN, 
   SUPPRESS  9: to pay off (as a debt) : LIQUIDATE  10: INVEST  - sink.able aj
2. sink n 1a: a pool or pit for the deposit of waste or sewage : CESSPOOL  
   1b: a ditch or tunnel for carrying off sewage : SEWER  1c: a stationary 
   basin connected with a drain and usu. a water supply for w ashing and 
   drainage 2: a place where vice, corruption, or evil collect  3: SUMP  4a: a 
   depression in the land surface; esp : one having a saline lak e with no 
   outlet 4b: a hollow in a limestone region communicating with a cavern or 