Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fis.sion \'fish-*n, 'fizh-\ \-*l\ n [L fission-, fissio, fr. fissus, pp. 
   of findere to spli]t - more at BITE 1: a splitting or breaking up into 
   parts  2: reproduction by spontaneous division of the body into two or more 
   parts  each of which grows into a complete organism 3a: the splitting of a 
   molecule into simpler molecules  3b: the splitting of an atomic nucleus 
   resulting in the release of large am ounts of energy - fis.sion.al aj
2. fission \'fish-(*-)nin, 'fizh-\ vb or fis.sion.ing : to cause to undergo 
   fission  : to undergo fission