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spon.ta.ne.ous \spa:n-'ta--ne--*s\ aj [LL spontaneus, fr. L sponte of one's 
   free will, voluntarily - mo]re at SPIN 1: arising without external 
   constraint or stimulus : VOLUNTARY  2: arising from a momentary impulse  3: 
   controlled and directed internally : SELF-ACTING {~ mov ement 
   characteristic of living things} 4: produced without being planted or 
   without human labor : INDIGENOUS  5: developing without apparent external 
   influence, force, cause, or treatm ent {~ recovery} 6: not apparently 
   contrived or manipulated : NATURALM, MECHANICAL mean acting or activated 
   without deliberation. SPONTANEOUS further implies lack of prompting and 
   connotes naturalness; IMPULSIVE implies acting under stress of emotion or 
   spirit of the moment; INSTINCTIVE stresses spontaneous action involving 
   neither judgment nor will; AUTOMATIC and MECHANICAL apply to action seeming 
   to engage neither the mind nor the emotions and connotes uniformity and 
   predictability of response - spon.ta.ne.ous.ly av SYN syn SPONTANEOUS,