Webster's English Dictionary

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1. gag \'gag\ vb or gagged;  or gag.ging [ME gaggen to strangle, of imit. 
   origin] 1a: to stop the mouth of with something inserted  1b: to pry or 
   hold open with a gag  1c: to prevent from free speech  2: to cause to retch 
    3: OBSTRUCT, CHOKE  4: to provide with quips or pranks {~ a show}  1: 
   HEAVE, RETCH  2: BALK, STOP  3: to make quips 
2. gag n 1: something thrust into the mouth to keep it open  2a: something 
   thrust into the mouth to prevent speech or outcry  2b: CLOTURE  2c: a check 
   to free speech  3: a laugh-provoking remark or act  4: HOAX, TRICK