Cross references:
1. dupe
1. trick \'trik\ n [ME trik, fr. ONF trique, fr. trikier to deceive, cheat]
1a: a crafty procedure or practice meant to deceive or defraud 1b: a
mischievous act : PRANK 1c: an indiscreet or childish action 1d: a
deceptive, dexterous, or ingenious feat designed to puzzle or amuse <(a
juggler's ~s} 2a: an habitual peculiarity of behavior or manner {a horse
with the ~)R of shying} 2b: a characteristic and identifying feature {a ~
of speech} 2c: an optical illusion {a mere ~ of the light} 3a: a quick or
artful way of getting a result : KNACK 3b: a technical device (as of an
art or craft) {the ~s of sta ge technique} 4: the cards played in one round
of a card game often used as a scoring uni t 5a: a turn of duty at the helm
usu. lasting for two hours 5b: SHIFT 5c: a trip taken as part of one's
employment 6: an attractive child or pretty young woman {cute little ~} E,
WILE, FEINT mean an indirect means to gain an end. TRICK may imply
deception, roguishness, illusion, and either an evil or harmless end; RUSE
stresses an attempt to mislead by a false impression; STRATAGEM implies a
ruse used to entrap, outwit, circumvent, or surprise an opponent or enemy;
MANEUVER suggests adroit and skillful avoidance of difficulty; ARTIFICE
implies ingenious contrivance or invention; WILE suggests an attempt to
entrap or deceive with false allurements; FEINT implies a diversion or
distraction of attention away from one's real intent SYN syn TRICK, RUSE,
2. trick aj 1: of or relating to or involving tricks or trickery {~
photograph y ~ dice} 2: TRIG 3a: somewhat defective and unreliable {a ~
lock} 3b: inclined to give way unexpectedly {a ~ knee}
3. trick vt 1: to deceive by cunning or artifice : CHEAT 2: to dress or
adorn fancifully or ornately : ORNAMENT {~(Xed out in a gaudy uniform}