Webster's English Dictionary

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1. laugh \'laf, 'la.f\ \-in-le-\ vb [ME laughen, fr. OE hilehhan; akin to 
   OHG lache-n to laugh], OE hlo-wan to moo - more at LOW 1a: to show mirth, 
   joy, or scorn with a smile and chuckle or explosive sou nd 1b: to find 
   amusement or pleasure in something  1c: to become amused or derisive  2a: 
   to produce the sound or appearance of laughter  2b: to be a kind that 
   inspires joy  1: to influence or move by laughter  2: to utter with a laugh 
   {~s her consent}  - laugh.er n
2. laugh n 1: the act of laughing  2a: a cause for derision or merriment : 
   JOKE  2b: an expression of scorn or mockery : JEER  pl  3: DIVERSION, SPORT