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Cross references:
  1. restrain              
1. check \'chek\ n [ME chek, fr. OF eschec, fr. Ar sha-h, fr. Per, lit., 
   king] [ME chek, short for cheker checker]; akin to Gk ktasthai to acquire 
   1: exposure of a chess king to an attack from which he must be moved to saf 
   ety 2a: a sudden stoppage of a forward course or progress : ARREST  2b: 
   STOP  2c: a checking of an opposing player in ice hockey  3: a sudden pause 
   or break in a progression  archaic  4: REPRIMAND, REBUKE  5: something or 
   someone that arrests, limits, or restrains : RESTRAINT  6a: a standard for 
   testing and evaluation : CRITERION  6b: EXAMINATION  6c: INSPECTION, 
   INVESTIGATION  6d: the act of testing or verifying; also : the sample or 
   unit used  for testing or verifying 7: a written order directing a bank to 
   pay money as instructed  8a: a ticket or token showing ownership or 
   identity or indicating payment m ade 8b: a counter in various games  8c: a 
   slip indicating the amount due : BILL  9a: a pattern in squares that 
   resembles a checkerboard  9b: a fabric woven or printed with such a design  
   10: a mark typically <check> placed beside an item to show it has been  
   noted, examined, or verified 11: CRACK, BREAK  12: a rabbet-shaped cutting 
   : RABBET  : under restraint or control  - in check 
2. check vt 1: to place (a chess king) in check  chiefly dial  2: REBUKE, 
   REPRIMAND  3a: to slow or bring to a stop : BRAKE  3b: to block the 
   progress of (a hockey player)  4a: to restrain or diminish the action or 
   force of : CONTROL  4b: to slack or ease off and then belay again (as a 
   purchase or rope)  5a: to compare with a source, original, or authority : 
   VERIFY  5b: to inspect for satisfactory condition, accuracy, safety, or 
   performanc e 5c: to mark with a check as examined, verified, or 
   satisfactory  6a: to consign for shipment for the holder of a passenger 
   ticket  6b: to ship or accept for shipment under such a consignment  7: to 
   mark into squares : CHECKER  8: to leave or accept for safekeeping in a 
   checkroom  9: to make checks or chinks in  1a: of a dog : to stop in a 
   chase esp. when scent is lost  1b: to halt through caution, uncertainty, or 
   fear : STOP  2a: to investigate conditions  2b: to correspond point for 
   point : TALLY  3: to draw a check on a bank  4: to waive the right to 
   initiate the betting in a round of poker  5: CRACK, SPLIT