Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. temerity              
1. gall \'go.l\ n [ME, fr. OE gealla; akin to Gk chole-, cholos gall, 
   wrath,] OE geolu yellow - more at YELLOW 1a: BILE; esp : bile obtained from 
   an animal and used in the  arts or medicine 1b: something bitter to endure  
   1c: bitterness of spirit : RANCOR  2: EFFRONTERY, IMPUDENCE 
2. gall n [ME galle, fr. OE gealla, fr. L galla gallnut] 1a: a skin sore 
   caused by chronic irritation  1b: a cause or state of exasperation  archaic 
    2: FLAW 
3. gall vt 1a: to fret and wear away by friction : CHAFE  1b: IRRITATE, VEX 
    2: HARASS  1: to become sore or worn by rubbing  2: SEIZE vi 2 
4. gall n [ME galle, fr. MF, fr. L galla] 1: a swelling of plant tissue 
   usu. due to fungi or other parasites and some times forming an important 
   source of tannin 2: a small generally flattened pellet of clay found in 
   some sandstones and  sandy shales