Webster's English Dictionary

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1. yel.low \'yel-(.)o-, -*(-w)\ aj [ME yelwe, yelow, fr. OE geolu; akin to 
   OHG gelo yellow], L helvus light bay, Gk chlo-ros greenish yellow, Skt hari 
   yellowish 1a: of the color yellow  1b: become yellowish through age, 
   disease, or discoloration : SALLOW)M 1c: having a yellow complexion or skin 
    2a: featuring sensational or scandalous items or ordinary news sensational 
   ly distorted {~ journalism} 2b: MEAN, COWARDLY 
2. yellow vt : to make or turn yellow to become or turn yellow 
3. yellow n 1a: a color whose hue resembles that of ripe lemons or 
   sunflowers or is tha t of the portion of the spectrum lying between green 
   and orange 1b: a pigment or dye that colors yellow  2: something yellow or 
   marked by a yellow color : as  2a: a person having yellow skin  2b: the 
   yolk of an egg  pl  3: JAUNDICE  pl  4: any of several plant diseases 
   caused esp. by viruses and marked by yello wing of the foliage and stunting