Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bit.ter \'bit-*r\ \'bit-*-rish\ aj [ME, fr. OE biter; akin to OHG bittar 
   bitter, OE bi-tan] 1a: having or being a peculiarly acrid, astringent, or 
   disagreeable taste  suggestive of an infusion of hops that is one of four 
   basic taste sensations 1b: distasteful or distressing to the mind : GALLING 
    2: marked by intensity or severity :  2a: accompanied by severe pain or 
   suffering  2b: VEHEMENT, RELENTLESS {~ partisan}; also :: exhibiting 
   intense animosity 2c1: harshly reproachful : sharp and resentful  2c2: 
   marked by cynicism and rancor  2d: intensely unpleasant esp. in coldness or 
   rawness  3: expressive of severe pain, grief, or regret  - bit.ter.ish aj
2. bitter av : BITTERLY 
3. bitter n 1: bitter quality  pl  2a: a usu. alcoholic solution of bitter 
   and often aromatic plant products u sed esp. in preparing mixed drinks or 
   as a mild tonic Brit  2b: a very dry heavily hopped ale 
4. bitter vt : to make bitter {~ed ale}